What Software Should I Use for Architectural Visualization?
*View article on web here WHAT SOFTWARE SHOULD I USE FOR ARCHITECTURAL VISUALIZATION? With the release of our latest course, there have...

Dramatic Exterior Lighting With HDRI in V-Ray
I have just added a new project to my original PRO course, 3ds Max + V-Ray: 3ds Max PRO in 6 Hrs. If you are already a member of that...

3ds Max + V-Ray Next: V-Ray Dome Light & HDRI Workflow
One of the awesome things about arch viz these days is that you can instantly change the entire mood of your image with very simple,...

Black Friday Sale is On! Stock Up On All Your Favorite Courses.
Now's the time, folks! This is the best time of the year to purchase all the courses you need. They are all at MAXIMUM DISCOUNT until...

NEW COURSE - Advanced Arch Viz Exteriors
I'm really excited to be able to announce that my newest course is now available. It is called 3ds Max + V-Ray: Advanced Architectural...

COMING SOON | New Advanced Courses. Prep Now!
This morning I am working on new advanced courses, coming to you later this year. My next two courses will be an advanced exterior arch...

V-Ray for Unreal Engine Released
Get your copy of the open Beta for free right now. Check out the video of my first look at the software below: This is Chaos Group's...

Awesome PBR Materials in V-Ray for Free
Hey everyone! If you are finding that more and more your arch viz workflow is blending more with realtime and UE4, it could be time that...

Unreal Studio 4: Epic Games Announces New Workflow Tools for Design Industry
Epic Games announces Unreal Studio 4, the perfect bridge between 3ds Max / Vray projects and virtual reality in Unreal Engine.

3ds Max + Vray: Advanced Arch Viz Interiors. *New Course
Advanced Architectural Interiors with 3ds Max + Vray I am so excited to announce that my new course is ready to launch! Get in now at a...