There’s rarely anything more relaxing and enjoyable than a day at the spa. Nothing feels better than when you give yourself the ultimate indulgence of hours of pampering, but it’s often so hard to fit it in your busy schedule.
Fortunately, there are now ways you can recreate the feel of a perfect spa experience at the comfort of your own home, so keep on reading to pick up a few nifty tips and tricks.

Set the mood
We love going to the spa mostly because it engages all of our five senses so in order to have a lux spa experience at home, remember to include elements that will please your senses of smell, sight, hearing, touch and taste.
Start by setting the mood with dim lights, candles, music, warm towels, a cosy robe, fuzzy slippers and a glass of your favourite drink, be it wine or cucumber water. As simple as this may sound, these are the little things that make a huge difference and can turn the most mundane thing into a luxurious event.
Choose your music
Before you settle in your pampering, make sure you won’t be interrupted or disturbed – turn off your phone, both landline and mobile. Complete silence may make your mind start to race so think about what type of music makes you the most relaxed. It could be classical music, soft pop or something like Weightless by Marconi which has been proven to reduce stress by 60%!
Before you start
Another thing that can help you unwind before you start is a soothing cup of herbal tea. Drink it in your bedroom, curled up under a warm blanket and just quietly enjoy it for 20 minutes. Take this time to breathe, meditate and feel grateful for what you have and what you have achieved. Once you feel calm and relaxed, return your designated spa area.

Prepare a bath
Having a long and relaxing bath as a part of your spa treatment is a great way to have all the goodness soak in and worries fade away. Add some Epsom salts to your bath to help you relax your sore muscles and strained nerves.
If your budget allows it, splurge out on unique spas and swim spas for the ultimate experience or relaxation and rejuvenation in your own home. Designed to give your utter comfort and highest quality, you’ll get the bang for your buck and ensure that every time you desire a spa treatment, you’ll have one right at your own home.
Treat your face
Our face is the first to show signs of fatigue and worry so make sure you give it a royal treatment. A great way to prepare your face is a facial steam that will open the pores. Prepare a bowl of hot, steaming water with a few drops of essential oils such as sandalwood or lavender, or herbal teas such as lemongrass or rose, and place your face over it. Lay a towel over your head and breathe slowly and deeply for about 10 minutes.
After the steam, apply a face mask to nourish your skin. Use clay or spirulina, mix it with a few drops of water and leave it to stay for about 20 minutes. The nutrients it contains will soak deep into your skin and rehydrate it making it smooth and glowing again.
After 20 minutes, wash it off and follow up with a moisture mask to restore the balance to your skin and prevent drying. After you have left it on for around 10 minutes, wash it off and seal the care treatment with your typical moisturizer.
Everyone needs some time far from the madding crowd and away from the worries of life and work. If it’s hard to set aside valuable time and find the resources for extra care and spa treatments to help you relax and unwind, you can make the effort to recreate the experience at home. All you need to do is stock up on fragrant candles, essential oils, exfoliant, mud masks and moisturizers, and you’ll be ready to block off the stress and noise and give yourself some uninterrupted, much deserved “me” time.
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