I have had questions about how to use raytrace inside of VR to click a button. Here is the blueprint I came up with:

The mode active variable is a boolean that toggles whether my button is being pressed or not, and all this logic is within the Event tick, so this logic fires on every frame when the "mode tool active" is true. After break hit result, I check to see that I am hitting the right thing by using a "cast to." In this case, I set up a blueprint button called quitButton_bp. If that is what is hit, the rest of the logic will go. In this case it is to change some text in my scene, but you could make it jump to a new level, quit game, etc.
Mastering the art of clicking a button with ray trace involves precision and understanding lighting intricacies. As a seasoned practitioner, I appreciate highest speed internet near me
the transformative power of ray tracing in rendering realistic visuals. It's a game-changer, elevating digital experiences by simulating the behavior of light to create stunningly authentic graphics.